Improving the competence of managers in the field of cleaning at LPUAA
The Professional cleaning and facility management association of Latvia (LPUAA) in cooperation with the project’s leading partner OÜ Puhastusekspert is starting the implementation of the Erasmus+ project “CleanSkil: Bridging the Estonian-Latvian Competency Divide”. The project is implemented with the support of Erasmus+, which is an EU program to support education, training, youth and sports in Europe. The project implementation period is from 01.09.2024 until 28.02.2026.
The project solves the problem of the significant gap between Estonia and Latvia in the field of professional education of cleaning personnel managers. In Estonia, occupational standards for cleaning management personnel have been approved according to EQF (European Qualifications Framework) levels 4 and 5, and for more than 20 years, training and examination have been conducted according to these occupational standards, issuing more than 4,000 qualification documents. In Latvia, educational institutions do not offer professional training for cleaning managers, and there are no professional standards in this field introduced by educational institutions in practice. The availability of qualified personnel is an essential factor in the implementation of cleaning functions, and the lack of training opportunities in Latvia is therefore an important systemic problem that needs to be solved.
The goals of the project:
- to carry out the training of masters of cleaning works and managers of cleaning works in Latvia in accordance with Estonian EQF 4 and EQF 5 levels and relevant professional exams;
- analyze and present conclusions related to the suitability of the Estonian cleaning training system for application in Latvian conditions.
The direct target group of the project are participants delegated by LPUAA members with defined experience requirements in the management of cleaning works.