Different ways to destroy micro-organisms when cleaning

At the beginning of March, Tuula Suontamo, PhD, held a training course on ‘Cleaning in light of the latest research results’ where she introduced the results of two major studies and the most effective ways to kill micro-organisms. The following gives a brief overview of the different methods of eliminating micro-organisms used in the cleaning industry in Europe today.

  1. The Ownwell method: 100% chemical free patented Finnish product for maintenance cleaning. The Ownwell principle is created by adding non-harmful extracts from micro-organisms to tap water purified by reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis produces water that washes better. The Ownwell method leaves micro-organisms on the surface that ‘eat up’ any soiling and thus reduce staining. The advantage of a cleaning agents based on micro-organisms is that they do not leave any residue on surfaces that can result in soiling. Chemical-free cleaning and cleaning as such only works if the entire process is professional and every step taken is conscious.
  2. COVID-safe virus tape: an innovative Finnish product based on a multi-metal hybrid. The tape destroys COVID particles in seconds. The tape is suitable for and easy to use on surfaces that are frequently used and difficult to keep clean. When the tape changes colour, it is time to replace it.
  3. Dry steam and hydrogen peroxide dry steam spray equipment: dry steam is a superheated steam produced at high pressure that is particularly dry due to the high temperature. Steam cleaning removes soil and destroys micro-organisms even from the pores of the material. Hydrogen peroxide dry steam spray equipment is designed for disinfecting clean and dry surfaces. It will not work on soiled and damp surfaces.
  4. Avalon technology: Avalon technology uses organic and inorganic chemical compounds at the molecular level. Avalon’s surface protection agents improve hygiene and cleanliness. They also make surfaces more scratch resistant, electrically conductive and resistant to ice adhesion, in addition to improving optical properties.
  5. Ultraviolet light (UV-C radiation): ultraviolet light inactivates and destroys bacteria and viruses as well as other micro-organisms. It is a highly effective disinfection method capable of killing the COVID-19 virus in just 8 seconds. The safe use of ultraviolet light equipment requires trained staff.

Bear in mind that hygiene is not just a matter of using cleaning and disinfecting agents and special equipment. Forming any new habit requires proper training and practise.

Most importantly, every study on innovative methods concluded that for the method to work, cleaning must be a conscious effort. This is a prerequisite for innovative disinfection methods to work. New equipment is no replacement for cleaning.


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