Job shadowing to Finland from 26 to 27 August 2024

What new cleaning principles have been adopted in Finland? We explored this during our job shadowing to the Helsinki University Central Hospital and the Vileda factory from 26 to 27 August 2024. Representatives of consortium members Järva County Vocational Training Centre, East Tallinn Central Hospital, SA Narva Haigla, Tartu Vocational College, SA Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum and North Estonia Medical Centre took part in the job shadowing. The program was supported by the Erasmus+ consortium learning mobility projects No. 2023-1-EE01-KA121-VET-000133792 and 2024-1-EE01-KA121-VET-000236654.

The programme and job shadowing were organised by host organisation Freudenberg Home & Cleaning Solutions Oy – Aiki Hoffmann and Petteri Enne.

The programme included job shadowing at Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUS). HUS is Finland’s largest healthcare provider. The hospital’s various buildings cover a total of seven kilometres, connected by corridors. During the job shadowing exercise, it was explained why there are cupboards behind the doors of the hospital rooms – for example, to store band aids, bandages and diapers. HUS uses robotic floor cleaning machines to make cleaning easier. Cleaning is as automatic as possible, for example, beds, trolleys and other portable items are cleaned in washing machines. Machine washing ensures better results than manual cleaning.

The participants went job shadowing in Vileda’s factory in Finland, where they went through the different stages of production from start to finish – material selection, sewing, eco-friendliness and environmental sustainability. Fascinating facts about Vileda production

  • The factory uses a laser to cut out Vileda mops.
  • The thread used to sew the mops together in the Finnish factory is made in Germany.
  • Chips have been installed in the mops in the washrooms to keep track of the number of times they have been washed.

The article was compiled by: Merlin Salu, Jaanika Kasemets


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