
10 tips for cleaning your kitchen

The kitchen is where the family usually spends a lot of time. Cooking inevitably generates a lot of soiling and waste, mainly grease, but also dust, crumbs, food waste as well as sludge and wet grime in the sink. That means we have to deal with many types of soiling in the kitchen. At the same time, it is important to keep the kitchen clean since kitchen surfaces come into contact with food.

Keeping the kitchen clean is easier if you adhere to the following principles:

  1. Remove soiling as soon as it forms, fresh dirt is easier to remove.
  2. Removing greasy dirt is easier when you use hotter water – it makes grease liquid.
  3. Always use a dishbrush for washing dishes as dishwashing sponges are always contaminated. A dishbrush is easier to keep clean and hygienic. Brushes do a wonderful job when it comes to mechanical scrubbing, even in hard-to reach areas. We recommend using professional hygiene brushes that can withstand high temperatures without warping.
  4. You can easily clean countertops by applying warm water with your hands, spreading it around and then collecting it with a squeegee or by other mechanical means. If necessary, add a little dish washing liquid. Remember to rinse the surfaces if you do so.
  5. Once you are done cleaning, dry all surfaces with a microfibre cloth.
  6. If the oven is soiled or burnt grease is stuck on surfaces, you will find soap pads to be of great help.
  7. Dust builds on top of cabinets and in the kitchen, grease makes it particularly stubborn. Put old newspapers on top of cabinets and replace them every so often. That way you can simply roll up any greasy dust with a newspaper and there is no need to clean.
  8. Prevent blockages in the sink. To do this, pour a little soda and some hot water down the drain once in a while.
  9. Prevent limescale buildup inside the kettle. To do this, wash the inside of the kettle with a dishbrush after each use.
  10. Removing stubborn dirt is easier if you soak it beforehand. For example, dirt stuck on the stove from boiling over the edge of the pot. To remove it, take a paper towel, soak it with warm water and place it onto the soiled area for about 10 minutes.


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