
Cleaning quality assessment

Cleaning quality assessment is an important process to maintain the required level of cleanliness. Supervision of cleaning works helps to ensure effective and sustainable implementation of already implemented and planned changes in daily work.


  • Ensure economical and efficient execution of cleaning works according to the agreed cleanliness levels;
  • Increase the customer’s satisfaction with the offered service;
  • Extend the life expectancy of the site through high-quality maintenance cleaning, increasing the life of flooring materials and reducing the need for special cleaning work;
  • Mapping of suggestions for improvement

Target group:

  • Companies offering cleaning services, companies performing special cleaning work, self-cleaning companies, supplier of cleaning services.

Benefits of the process:

  • Independent and objective quality assessment by competent consultants;
  • Ensuring consistent cleaning quality through regular quality assessment and avoiding ups and downs;
  • Optimisation of cleaning as a result of the recommendations and thus possible cost savings